Edvocate School Support Solutions:
756 Opatut Court - Toms River, NJ 08753


What Our Clients Say About Us

“Prior to developing the request for proposals for our custodial services and food services, Edvocate developed different outsourcing scenarios and associated costs for us for each service. This modeling, especially the budget impact analysis, helped us decide which direction for us to take prior to writing the RFP and specifications. The RFP process was thorough and complete. They also provided an excellent contract model to use for custodial services. Because of their expertise in designing different scenarios, costs, specifications and the contract we decided to retain them for on-going contract monitoring of the custodial and food service contractors. They were professional, knowledgeable and comprehensive in their process. If a district was considering outsourcing services I would recommend they utilize the services of Edvocate.”.”
– Mr. Bernardo Giuliana, Business Administrator; East Brunswick Public Schools, NJ

“Edvocate undoubtedly has the capability and capacity to meet the needs of and expectations of our district through its proven track record of service and technical experience required for District needs. Not only have they consulted previously for the district, but also in many K-12 school districts across the State, with several being in Middlesex County. The Edvocate team through its own service to the district has clearly exemplified that they have the relevant experience and overall knowledge not only of the complex Custodial & Management and Food Service operation, but also with respect to the Public School Contracts Law, State of New Jersey and Federal procurement law which ultimately govern the National School Lunch Program, as well as USDA rules and regulations. Having seen for ourselves in prior contracts, Edvocate has well-established processes and systems that ensure thorough and detail-oriented service is always provided, keeping the district as the priority. As the current provider, they have the means to implement the necessary business management plan to deliver the goods and services needed for future success in the district.”
– Mr. David Weidele, Business Administrator, Old Bridge Township School District

“We retained the services of Edvocate because we needed their expertise in designing specifications and a contract that will enable us to retain our day custodians, outsource the evening custodians and have a successful fully integrated custodial program of district and contractor employees. They were thorough and comprehensive in their approach and I would recommend them to any business administrator.”
– Ms. Lirca Garcia, Business Administrator; Hillsdale Board of Education, NJ

“Before deciding if our district should outsource custodial services Edvocate developed various custodial outsourcing scenarios and associated costs for us. This modeling, especially the budget impact analysis, helped us decide which direction to take and how to accomplish the task. With Edvocate’s expert help and guidance, and their extremely detailed bid specifications the bid process was thorough, complete, and easily accomplished. Edvocate’s demonstrated knowledge and expertise in this field made the decision to retain them for on-going monitoring of the terms and conditions of the contract an easy one to make as well. I would strongly recommend using Edvocate’s services to any school district contemplating the outsourcing of their custodial services.”
– Ms. Patricia Salvati, Business Administrator; Wyckoff Public Schools, NJ

“We renewed Edvocate for another year because of the excellent service they have provided us with this past year. We look forward to having Edvocate continue to collaborate with our food service contractor to improve services to our students and staff, improve the bottom line of our operation, and to improve the contractor’s accountability”
– Ms. Amy Gallagher, Business Administrator; Middletown Township School District, NJ

“We originally brought Edvocate in to manage our food services RFP process ten years ago. They did a great job in managing the process and negotiating a very favorable contract for us with the food service management company. Because of that we hired them to provide on-going contract monitoring of our food service program. Now ten years later they continue to provide a high level of service that address our needs and helps us deal with issues that arise. Working with the contracted food service company, student, staff and parent satisfaction have increased as well as the bottom line of the program. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Edvocate School Support Solutions”
– Mr. Michael Petrizzo, Business Administrator; Holmdel Township Public Schools, NJ

“Our facilities contractor was not performing to our satisfaction. Edvocate inspected our schools, reviewed our specifications and contract. They then determined what the contractor needed to change to deliver the services to our satisfaction. We were so satisfied we retained their service for on-going contract monitoring.”
– Mr. Joseph Kelly, Business Administrator; Rutherford School District, NJ

“As a high performing school district that achieves excellence in its academic programs, we demand that our contractors achieve excellence in the services they provide to our district. Edvocate worked with us to develop a comprehensive request for proposals (RFP) that meets our requirements.  Edvocate then works with our contracted custodial management company to ensure they achieve and maintain excellence in the custodial and maintenance services they provide. Based on its on-site review of the district, Edvocate recommends to the contractor specific areas of improvement, sets goals relative to the recommendations, and then measures the results. Because of the excellent services provided, the Glen Rock Board of Education has renewed the monitoring contract with Edvocate for another year and we look forward to continuing this successful ten year partnership.”
– Mr. Michael Rinderknecht, Business Administrator; Glen Rock Public Schools , NJ

“Originally, our facilities contractor was not performing to our satisfaction. Edvocate inspected our schools reviewed our specifications and contract. They determined what was in the contract and what needed to be changed to deliver the services to our satisfaction. They restructured the contract within the current price structure and was able to get the contractor to provide more management oversight and higher staff wages thereby improving services. We were so satisfied we retained their service for on-going contract monitoring and just renewed their contract for another year, this is our tenth anunal renewal with them.”
– Ms. Tyra McCoy-Boyle, Business Administrator; Winslow Township Public Schools, NJ